Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Full Moon

18 Rabi'ul Awal 1434H
I was driving alone back from work, saw a big giant full moon up in the sky. I always wanted to take picture of it. Looking at the full moon, I remember one hadith saying that Rasulullah has a glory face like a moon shining at night. But I don't have that high-tech camera... I was quite sad. You know i always love studying about astronomy at school. Sometimes I day dream to be an astronaut during my young age. But I know I am not smart enough to be one hahaha! Anyway, God has other great plan for me. I accept it with my open arms :) 

I remember living in a hostel, we used to have prep time from after Isyak prayer until 11 PM... probably or 10PM. Whatever... Sometimes during prep time I sneaked out of the class to our big school field in baju kurung and I would lay down with hand under my head facing the night skies watching the moon and the stars. I love to interpret the star constellation. The subject somehow amazes me. I don't know about anyone else. My friends used to think that I am a weirdo hahaha! I mean most kids always like to think that about their friends don't they? Naaahh no hard feeling, it doesn't even bother me. All I care is i love what I do. 

Anyway, that is my short story for you tonight. Thank God we have internet access. At least i still can post a full moon that i thought i saw while driving just now. Good night!

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