Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nurul Iman

Today 14th Muharam 1434H, i wear my favorite jubah to work because i have date with my favorite intelectual, Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al Bakri :) I decided to increase my iman because last friday i met up with my good friend at masjid Muadz Bin Jabal. We were there to listen to Habib Ali Zainal Abidin. Thanks to my friend Saiful Amir who introduced me to this masjid. I was so happy to see my friend's transformation to be a better person :) I accidentally saw him doing his prayer and it almost drawn me to tears. Actually he introduced me to a lot of unique and weird thinking. In silence we understand each others well. I guess that's an art-way of communication, silence haha. Moreover with this new media social coming in, we laugh in our brain, we talk in our heart haha you see no words coming out from your mouths. Creepy cyber world. Anyway, Alhamdulillah i am thankful to God for blessing me with all these beautiful talented people.

Oh, to continue with my supposed entry hehe.. Habib Ali is my another favorite ulama. I knew both role model of mine from radio. I love Dr Zulkifli because he practise what he preached. You can see them from their appearances, akhlaks (attitude) and the way they carry themselves. Both always exceed my expectation when they answered any questions and very humble too. SubhanAllah. Habib in arabic means someone who is knowledgeable or literally means lover. He is in love with knowledge. Both are! I would love to be like them too =)

That's all for now. Am actually a little sleepy just now so while doing my work, i divert myself and write new entry haha.. NOw I am awake after some Dhuha sprinkling wuduk. I'll update later after Isyak probably at the masjid. Later!

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