Friday, May 18, 2012

Thankful for not having or belonging

It is amazing if God blessed us with wealth. They are 2 type of wealth,  firstly, property wealth and second wealth of the soul. We all know what is property wealth, but little knows what is soul wealth.That's why many people only strive for property wealth but not seriously searching for soul wealth. Successful always being measured on how much money they've earned, assets in possession, cars and houses that you've owned. Beside time and energy, we even willing to sacrifice life for this purpose. 

Bless with food, one of the wealth

 What is soul wealth and how to hunt for it? Soul wealth is a peace of heart that can withstand any challenge in life. As Prophet PBUH said, which meant: "It is a miracle the circumstances of a believer. Indeed all business/affairs that they are in, in good condition. And no one will ever gain this condition except for the faithful one. If he/she awarded something, he/she is thankful, then the award will be good for him/her. But if he/she had misfortune, he/she is patience, so the misfortune will be good for him/her" (Riwayat Muslim)

People who have soul wealth cannot be disturbed by things happen outside himself/herself. He/she is strong like a reef in the ocean. Untouched even caught in a storm. What happen outside him/herself can be controlled by what is in his/her heart. The peace in heart is gain by remembering Allah. Remembering Allah produces good values or sifat -sifat mahmudah (in malay & arabic) which is the precious core of soul wealth. 

Thankful is one of sifat mahmudah/good value that is very important. With gratefulness, our hearts will be fertile. Everytime they been given bliss, enjoyment or pleasure, they are thankful and remember the Giver (Allah). They always feel that they only the borrower, not the owner of those bliss, enjoyment or pleasure. The more they get from Allah, the more they borrow from Him. Grateful people feel that they don't own anything realizing that all are His. 
A peace of heart

If they get a little from Allah, they feel that it is enough due to sifat Qana'ah (means to live simply by what Allah s.w.t. had given us, no sulking). If there are many or lots of it, they will give some to others or the needy due to generosity. Their souls are free because they don't want to be slave of wealth, man and situation. Thankful people always ashamed of belonging to others than Allah. When man feels like not having or belonging, that's the peak of tranquility and happiness in life.

In fact, this is the essence of the du'a that being taught by Rasulullah s.a.w to us: "Ya Allah, i seek your protection from trouble/poverty and sorrow. Please protect me from weakness and laziness. Please protect me from being a coward and stingy. I seek your protection from debt and assault." (Riwayat Abu Daud)

Little bliss, but not dishearten. Lots of bliss but not detrimental. Thankful people can give during their lowest and highest point of life. Their hearts get rich everyday and they are able to make others happy and together share the enjoyment and peacefulness. We can only be happy when we make others happy :) 

Magazine Solusi issuance no. 43
- i translated this article literally from Solusi issue no. 43; Subur dengan Syukur. You are welcome to correct my translation especially the hadith. I love this article so i thought i should share it in here. Hope you enjoy it. 

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